Sock Architecture Errata

Page 8, first column

that are worked top-down using with four needles

Should read: that are worked from the top down using four needles


Page 27, second column

The difference between the Balbriggan Heel and the Shaped Common Heel lies in the way the decreases are worked. Work as for the Shaped Common Heel until you have placed your markers.

Should read: The difference between the Balbriggan Heel and the Modified Shaped Common Heel lies in the way the decreases are worked. Work as for the Modified Shaped Common Heel until you have placed your markers.


Page 35
Longer Short Row 1 (RS): Sl1, k(X/3), ssk, k1, turn.
Longer Short Row 2 (WS) :  Sl1, k(X/3 + 1), ssk, k1, turn.  

Should read: Longer Short Row 1 (RS): Sl1, k(X/3), ssk, k1, turn.
Longer Short Row 2 (WS) :  Sl1, p(X/3 + 1), ssk, p1, turn.  


Page 40

Swirl Toe

After you join, place a marker every 2 stitches, so that you have 4 markers, total.


Page 42

Toe-Up Heel Types and Their Features Chart

Round Heel and Half-Handkerchief Heel do NOT have picked-up stitches.


Page 46, third column

Repeat these 2 rows until you have increased that last 25 percent to the length of the heel flap.

Should read: Repeat these 2 rows until you have added that last 25 percent to the length of the heel flap.


Page 51, second column

Work Single Garter Rib until the leg measures 2½ (2¾, 3, 3, 3½, [X/11])"/6.5 (7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, [X/4.4]) cm is approx. 2"/5 cm shorter than your desired length to bottom of heel, ending with a Rnd 1.

Should read: Work Single Garter Rib until the leg measures 2½ (2¾, 3, 3, 3½, [X/11])"/6.5 (7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, [X/4.4]) cm shorter than your desired length to bottom of heel, ending with a Rnd 1.

Same page, under Heel Turn:

Row 1 (RS): Sl1, k14 (15, 16, 17, 19, X/2), ssk, k1. Turn.

Should read: Row 1 (RS): Sl1, k14 (15, 16, 17, 19, X/2), k1, ssk, k1. Turn.


Page 56 

Strie Socks, Toe Up, the first row of the heel flap should read:

Row 1 (RS): [Sl1, k1] 13 (14, 15, 16, 18, A + 1) times, sl1, ssk. Turn.


Page 84

Uncommon Dragon Socks

Set-up Rnd: [K15 (16, 18, 17, 20), pm] 3 times, knit to 0 (0, 0, 2, 2) sts from end of rnd, k2tog 0 (0, 0, 1, 1) times. 60 (64, 68, 72, 80) sts.

SHOULD read:
Set-up Rnd: [K15 (16, 17, 18, 20), pm] 3 times, knit to 0 (0, 0, 2, 2) sts from end of rnd, k2tog 0 (0, 0, 1, 1) times. 60 (64, 68, 72, 80) sts.

This isn't really a correction, but a tip: If you are working a size with ribbing on the side, you may find it easier if you add markers before and after your ribbed/purled stitches. Otherwise, it's easy to accidentally knit those stitches and lose your lovely ribbing.


Page 101, under Heel Turn

Row 1 (RS): Sl1, k14 (15, 16, 17, 19, X/2), ssk, k1. Turn.

Should read: Row 1 (RS): Sl1, k14 (15, 16, 17, 19, X/2), k1, ssk, k1. Turn.


Page 104, 2nd column

Procrastinatrix Socks, Toe Up

With waste yarn, knit across 28 (32, 32, 36, 40, X) sts.

Should read: 
With waste yarn, knit across 28 (30, 32, 34, 38, X) sts.

and, a few lines later:

"Return to your working yarn, knit across the stitches you knit with waste yarn."

Should Read:

"Return to your working yarn, work across your instep stitches, then knit across the stitches you knit with waste yarn."

And a tip: The leg should have 56 (60, 64, 68, 76, S) sts, total.

Same page, third column, under Heel Turn:

Row 1 (RS): Sl1, k14 (15, 16, 17, 19, X/2), ssk, k1. Turn.

Should read: Row 1 (RS): Sl1, k14 (15, 16, 17, 19, X/2), k1, ssk, k1. Turn.

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