
Sunday, June 25, 2006

Episode 12: Money, Socks and Your Comments

This week, I point out my tip jar (under links on the right side of this page), talk about converting sock patterns from top-down to toe-up, and respond to some comments and e-mails.

A shorter show, but I still managed to mess up a few times. I got ahead of myself with both the geometric knitting, which I'm not ready to tell you about and tessellated knitting, which I can't find anywhere. Tessellated quilting, yes. Tessellated knitting, no. If I do either dig that up or make that up, I'll let you know.

There is a little cursing in this show. So, if you don't want to hear the "B" word, please don't listen to the bit about Professor Martini.

Some "if, then" statements.
If you are knitting too tightly, then a new cast on from might assist you.

If you are looking for books, then Add All might help.

Carry from KnitWit kindly reminded me that she did mention the thickness of the yarn in her ease discussion of episode 20 of her show. Also, if that is the only show of hers you've heard, you should try some others. Usually, her stories are much more fun, lighthearted and funny than the one in that show. That story was very well told, as are all of hers, but it was a bit sad.

Carry also pointed me to some mathematical crochet.

Which means that I finally have something to lead into Dr. Sarah-Marie Belcastro and her wonderful mathematical knitting (and problem solving tips and teal hair and...). The knitting bit is here.

Download Episode Twelve

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Knit Me A River

Here is the press release they sent me:
Knit a river to save lives

International charity WaterAid has joined forces with I Knit, to launch a unique knitted petition calling for water and sanitation for all.

I Knit and WaterAid will stage a unique spectacle to grab world leaders’ attention. I Knit and WaterAid are collecting knitted blue squares that will be sewn together to create a spectacular knitted ‘river’. Campaigners will carry the river at future WaterAid campaigning events.

The squares need to be 15 x 15 centimetres, any shade of blue and any pattern, the variety of shades and textures will ensure the river comes to life. WaterAid are also encouraging people to send in any spare blue yarn.

WaterAid works with some of the world’s poorest people helping them to gain access to safe clean water, effective sanitation and hygiene education. Across the world, there are 1.1 billion people without access to safe water, and 2.6 billion without access to sanitation, and as a result, a child dies every 15 seconds from a water related disease.

Knit a river organiser, Gerard Allt says “The idea behind Knit a river is to create a unique campaigning tool, and raise awareness of the issues surrounding a lack of clean water. Water shortages are very much in the news here in the UK, but for over a billion people, life without water is a daily reality. Please join in and knit a square to help bring clean water to those in need”

Completed squares should be sent to Knit a river, WaterAid, 47 – 49 Durham Street, London, SE11 5JD. Please include your contact details.

For more information visit HYPERLINK "" or call 07966 157066

Editor’s notes
I Knit is a London based knitting club and speciality wool shop. For more information visit HYPERLINK ""


DId you see that? Send blue yarn! Stash bust here I come!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Tip Jar

This is the link to my Amazon tip jar. Please feel free to donate.

Episode 11: Socks

This week I ramble about short-row toe-up socks, and my own version, which uses a thumb-joint heel, including a description for making a worksheet for same.

Wendy Knits socks are described very well. Her book is Wendy Knits: My Adventures with Two Needles and An Attitude, which was published by Penguin Books in May of 2006 and it's by Wendy Johnson. Her blog site is here. Very readable (readible?) and very fun.

If you can't find a book you really want at your local yarn shop or local book stores, this is a metasearch for books.

The thumb-joint heel, along with a lot more, is described in Ethnic Socks and Stockings by Priscilla Gibson-Roberts. It was published in 1998 by XRX, Inc. and lists at $28.95.

This is the square I made up for the river project mentioned in Episode 10.

This is the little "purl bump" formed by the wrap around a stitch in short rowing.

This is the finished toe (purple and gray) with a little of the foot worked, too.

I haven't knit this far yet, so a picture of a sock all finished (except for the heel) is forthcoming.

This is a heel, ungrafted. Also, unknit, so, not yet photographed.

The result. Also, unknit, so, not yet photographed.

Download Episode 11

I've been editing the podcast less severely lately (mostly just trying to make the beginnings and ends of sections fit together) to make more time for my knitting, photos and life in general. I hope it's still ok.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Episode 10: Rave and Wave

This week I rave about Big Girl Knits, talk about ease, hope you go listen to Knitwit: Rantings of a Rabid Knitter and show and tell about another knitted square. If you have any 6" blue gauge swatches, please think about sending them on a trip to London.

This is the square I talked about last time.

This is the square knit from the outside in.

The above square, in progress.

Pic of the river square coming in the future, maybe.

Download Episode Ten

Friday, June 09, 2006

Episode 10, coming soon

I'm having a really busy time at work this week, and will be even busier this weekend. So, I will do a show on Monday, probably a mini-show and probably holding off on Meg Swansen's second appearance until the next one. We want it to be perfect for you.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Ninth Episode: The Interview that Wasn't One

Apologies to Lee Ann Balazuc, the blogger at Fuzzy Logic. I screwed up the editing and lost my half of the interview, so instead of my voice, when I asked her questions, I had to insert a little fairy-chime-bell transition. Fortunately, Lee Ann is a clear and complete speaker, so it stood up well to my ham-fisted treatment.

An American who now lives in Canada who is also a knitter, designer and spinner, Lee Ann also writes.

In case you are stretching to remember a certain designer or company, she mentions the Yarn Harlot,, Robin Melanson, a designer who Lee Ann profiled in the Spring, 2006, Interweave Knits, The Fleece Artist, and Koigu. She mentioned, although it was not recorded (damn you, software) Knitting Help.

The double decrease I use for my mitered square/diamond is sl 2 as if to knit, k1, psso. I was mistaken when I said it was on the Knitting Help site. I don't think it is. But, I have faith that you can do it. (pictures of square/diamond soon). And I KNOW I said PURL-wise in the show, but I was wrong. This is my punishment for not doing this yesterday. I am all off my kilter.

I would like to welcome back Brooklynne Michelle of The Mosh Knit. I enjoy her show and you should check her out.

Download Episode Nine

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Here's what I did instead of working on my podcast today...

1) Vacummed the basement (it has to be done at least three times a year, right?)
2) Cooked a wonderful lunch
3) Spent 3 hours knitting in public, recruiting new knitters to my knit group and helping my friend JN with her mom's afghan
4) Talked on the phone to my twin sister (you wouldn't deny me that, right?)
5) Am cooking and will eat a lovely chicken dinner with risotto and sauteed asparagus

So, no time left today. But, I will make it tomorrow, I promise. It will feature an interview with a lady in Canada and a discussion of mitered knitting (thanks for the suggestion, Deepa!).

(too parenthetical?)

Saturday, June 03, 2006


For my tenth episode, I will be re-interviewing Meg, hopefully with better sound quality. She wants to make sure no one has to strain to hear her. What a lady. :)

Just so that you don't think it's going to be interviews forever, I am working on your wonderful suggestions. I am stretching to learn about things I currently am not an expert, so please forgive me if I stumble (also, please tell me so that I can post clarification/corrections here).