
Monday, June 05, 2006

Ninth Episode: The Interview that Wasn't One

Apologies to Lee Ann Balazuc, the blogger at Fuzzy Logic. I screwed up the editing and lost my half of the interview, so instead of my voice, when I asked her questions, I had to insert a little fairy-chime-bell transition. Fortunately, Lee Ann is a clear and complete speaker, so it stood up well to my ham-fisted treatment.

An American who now lives in Canada who is also a knitter, designer and spinner, Lee Ann also writes.

In case you are stretching to remember a certain designer or company, she mentions the Yarn Harlot,, Robin Melanson, a designer who Lee Ann profiled in the Spring, 2006, Interweave Knits, The Fleece Artist, and Koigu. She mentioned, although it was not recorded (damn you, software) Knitting Help.

The double decrease I use for my mitered square/diamond is sl 2 as if to knit, k1, psso. I was mistaken when I said it was on the Knitting Help site. I don't think it is. But, I have faith that you can do it. (pictures of square/diamond soon). And I KNOW I said PURL-wise in the show, but I was wrong. This is my punishment for not doing this yesterday. I am all off my kilter.

I would like to welcome back Brooklynne Michelle of The Mosh Knit. I enjoy her show and you should check her out.

Download Episode Nine

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