
Monday, June 12, 2006

Episode 10: Rave and Wave

This week I rave about Big Girl Knits, talk about ease, hope you go listen to Knitwit: Rantings of a Rabid Knitter and show and tell about another knitted square. If you have any 6" blue gauge swatches, please think about sending them on a trip to London.

This is the square I talked about last time.

This is the square knit from the outside in.

The above square, in progress.

Pic of the river square coming in the future, maybe.

Download Episode Ten


  1. Those are really cool pics!

    Loved this episode, well... I love them all, actually, but the book review was cool. The more we know about shaping the better, I think, for ourselves or friends. Even for thinner girls, some of us are shaped VERY different from the cookie cutter store stuff, so I really appreciate your focus on that subject.

    Keep up the good work =)*)

  2. The show was great, and I love that book too. I haven't picked it up, yet, but I will.

  3. Thanks so much, Lara.
    Why do I never believe people when they say things will be easy. I loved "creating" the mitered square! I made two right away and used up some terribly painful stash. I'll mail them to London on Monday to join the river. Do you hear Jonie Mitchell?
    Love your podcast! Math is important but only if we can put it to use. Love from Sardis

  4. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Those mitred squares are so cool! I also like to work with 5 dpns instead of 4 -- I think I get fewer/smaller ladders that way.
