
Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Knit Me A River

Here is the press release they sent me:
Knit a river to save lives

International charity WaterAid has joined forces with I Knit, to launch a unique knitted petition calling for water and sanitation for all.

I Knit and WaterAid will stage a unique spectacle to grab world leaders’ attention. I Knit and WaterAid are collecting knitted blue squares that will be sewn together to create a spectacular knitted ‘river’. Campaigners will carry the river at future WaterAid campaigning events.

The squares need to be 15 x 15 centimetres, any shade of blue and any pattern, the variety of shades and textures will ensure the river comes to life. WaterAid are also encouraging people to send in any spare blue yarn.

WaterAid works with some of the world’s poorest people helping them to gain access to safe clean water, effective sanitation and hygiene education. Across the world, there are 1.1 billion people without access to safe water, and 2.6 billion without access to sanitation, and as a result, a child dies every 15 seconds from a water related disease.

Knit a river organiser, Gerard Allt says “The idea behind Knit a river is to create a unique campaigning tool, and raise awareness of the issues surrounding a lack of clean water. Water shortages are very much in the news here in the UK, but for over a billion people, life without water is a daily reality. Please join in and knit a square to help bring clean water to those in need”

Completed squares should be sent to Knit a river, WaterAid, 47 – 49 Durham Street, London, SE11 5JD. Please include your contact details.

For more information visit HYPERLINK "" or call 07966 157066

Editor’s notes
I Knit is a London based knitting club and speciality wool shop. For more information visit HYPERLINK ""


DId you see that? Send blue yarn! Stash bust here I come!


  1. Dear Lara,
    So wonderful. Not only did I knit up some mitered six inch squares, but I started a blog.
    I listen to your podcast while walking my 90lb black lab. Not only have you made this difficult topic clear enough for me to visualize your knitting, I can almost anticipate some of the steps. Thanks so much. Love from Sardis

  2. Lara, I love your podcast. I have just started listening from the begining, I am not to this episode yet, but I'm sure it's lovely too.
    I have fortunetly never feared math. Unfortunetly it seems a lot of people writing the books do. Except for your podcast and Big Girl Knits, I've had very little guidance and had to make it up as I went along.
    A concern I have...ok not exactly a concern, but more like a bug you should be aware of. When I subscribed to your podcast then downloaded the episodes, for some reason I got very truncated (sorry if that's spelled wrong, i'm dyslexic. I can tell if it's spelled wrong, but i can't figure out how to spell it right...anyway, back to the post). Your podcasts seemed to be only 4 and 5 minutes long. I noticed very quickly that it had stopped in the middle of your cast. I've downloaded them individually from your itunes page, and that seems to have worked fine. I just thought you might like to know.
    Keep up the good work.

  3. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Thanks so much for this podcast, Lara! I'm so glad WaterAid decided to create this project to help people without clean water. I'm sending in several squares!
