
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

One-Year Birthday!

Sock Architecture was one year old yesterday, so I did what any proud parent would do. I made gluten-free brownies and took a picture of my book with one. As you do. 

The pirate cupcake topper had to stand in for the candle because, well, fire.

If you don't have it yet and want it, where's the best place to get it? You can buy it from my publisher (they're clearing out their warehouse, so it's 30% off at the moment), online from at least two places, and I'll happily sell you a signed copy from my Etsy store. A digital-only version is available on Ravelry, too.

Already have the book, but want more sock-knitting time with me? I  have a Craftsy class, and if you use this link, you can get it for 50% off.

Here's to many more years of happy sock knitting for all!

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