
Thursday, May 21, 2015

UFOs, The Stash and Memorial-Day Shopping!

This post contains affiliate links, which help me keep my blog up and running - thanks for the support! 

I'm terrible about getting some projects 99% done and then, well, just stopping. When I organized the basement/office/studio earlier this year, I piled all of my neglected projects into this little box. (The afghan wouldn't fit, it's in the knitting bag under the table, and it is NOW DONE!)

I seriously have, in order from least embarrassing, to most embarrassing: 

1) A sock that needs about 2 hours of work to finish the pair. (I ran out of yarn, but I have more, now. I  have had the yarn for 2 months.)

2) Three cotton bibs that need buttons. I have had them for about 2 years. I always had the buttons. I just really, really hate sewing on buttons. 

3) A baby sweater that needs about 2 rows of knitting and a little icord to finish. Abandoned about a year ago. 

4) Another baby sweater that seriously only needs icord ties to be finished. Also abandoned about a year ago.

I had excuses. I had the Book, then we moved, and then I had to finish the Book, and yadda yadda. But, now, I'm not letting myself start anything else until I finish these 5 things. The afghan is #5, but it is done, done, done. It still counts. 

At least my timing is pretty good. From  now until the end of Monday, you can get up to 70% off all kits, fabric and yarn, up to 60% off all sewing project kits and up to 40% off art, paper craft and cake decorating supplies! So, either hop on over and renew your yarn stash or try something new!

I'm not letting myself start anything else until these projects are finished. But, once these things are done, all bets are off. Maybe I'll spoil myself a little and replace some of the dpns I still can't find. (How does that happen?) Maybe I'll try out a new yarn. Who knows? 

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