
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Donna Druchunas' Sock Classes on Craftsy

Donna Druchunas, the force of nature behind the incredible Sheep to Shawl series, is also Craftsy instructor. We met up, over email, to talk about our classes. Here's the skinny on hers:

Does your class cover cuff down, toe up, or both?
DD: I have 3 sock classes on Craftsy. Knit Sock Workshop and Knit Original Toe Up Socks both cover toe-up sock knitting. Knit Original Cuff Down Socks covers, perhaps obviously, cuff down socks.

What kinds of heels and toes are covered in your course?
Knit Sock Workshop has a Bosnian Toe, a Swirl Toe, and basic afterthought heels.
Knit Original Toe Up Socks has a wedge toe, a mocassin toe, and a short-row tow. The heels are a gusset heel, an afterthought heel, and a short-row heel.
Knit Original Cuff Down Socks has a wedge toe, a round toe, and a short-row toe with choices of a Dutch heel, a French heel, and an short-row heel.

Does the course include patterns? If not, how to the students create a finished sock?
Knit Sock Workshop has patterns for a lace sock and a colorwork sock. The colorwork sock can be worked in a single color for beginners.
The Knit Original Cuff Down and Toe Up classes each have a universal pattern for students to create their own custom-fit socks as well as 3 bonus patterns.

What kind of fitting information do you include? Is it about customizing patterns or creating unique sock designs?

DD: In the Knit Original Socks classes I mostly focus on creating unique socks, but have a few tips on working with patterns to improve fit. Knit Sock Workshop is all about working from the patterns.

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