
Tuesday, March 03, 2015

On the Road Again!

Last weekend, I got to teach a wonderful group of knitters at Darn. Knit. {Anyway} in Stillwater, MN!

It's one of many near-LYS places in Minnesota that have stolen my heart. It's great to find so many homes away from home!

My teaching gear:

- notes
- coffee
- regular knitting bag
- "class" knitting bag
- box-o-socks
- model foot (to keep me from taking my shoe off while talking about the structure of the foot)
- (under my notes) a few skeins of yarn from the shop, so that I can wave them around and talk about what makes a great sock yarn vs. what makes a good one. Some of these end up jumping into my knitting bag...


  1. I love that knitting bag you show there! Where did you get that??

  2. Isn't it cute? I reviewed it here:
