
Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Old Phone, New Episodes

Dee's old phone was a little damaged, so we couldn't trade it in to Verizon for an upgrade. Bummer. But - I bought a cord that cost less than a new microphone and turned it into a voice recorder for myself. 

Same old mic, same old me, and a somewhat new phone. I'm restarting the Math4Knitters podcast! I've had a lot of questions about the old episodes (starting way back in 2006), so I'm going to start up the new feed by re-issuing as many of the original shows as I can find, in order. 

I didn't keep my files very neatly back then. Clearly, I didn't think I would be doing this for more than a year or two. But, I found the box that probably has most of the old shows on DVD, so that should help. 

Once I've run out of old shows, I'll start producing new ones, probably once every two weeks.

When you go to iTunes, the new feed is called Math4Knitters and the logo looks like this: 

I'm super-excited!

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