
Monday, November 10, 2014

Recap: Fall Fiber Festival in Hopkins

I had a blast on Saturday talking with knitters about my book (and socks!) If you missed the Fall Fiber Festival, you will definitely want to put it on your calendar for next year. It's a really nice event with a great variety of wares - yarn, spindles, patterns, books, dye, roving, name it!

Wendy J. Johnson of Saga Hill was kind enough to let me have a little corner of her booth. We got to sneak in some gossip and chit-chat with each other. She taught me a little about silk fusion - which is basically a fun way to felt silk. I had a lovely time!

1 comment:

  1. We had a blast talking to you too! I have been happily reading and plotting the different socks I am going to knit. (Once I free up some needles from the 6 pairs that I have on my needles.)
