
Monday, September 08, 2014

Unofficial KAL

One consequence of adding a bunch of patterns to Ravelry at the same time is that my designer page has become an unintentional popularity contest for all of the patterns in Sock Architecture. I'm pretty sure the patterns are shown in order from most popular to least popular, since it isn't in the order that added them.

Right now, Uncommon Dragon appears to be the fan favorite, by a wide margin!

I'm planning on knitting up some of the patterns from Sock Architecture as a VERY unofficial knit-a-long. Would you like to join me? I'll start as soon as my needles are free from obligatory/deadline knitting - and I'll start with whichever pattern is the most popular, according to Ravelry.

If you want to watch me knit your favorite one first, go "vote" with your like!

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