
Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Ply Magazine

I was late to the game with Ply Magazine and missed out on the first issue, which makes me very sad. 

It is awesome! The Color issue covered, as you might guess, a lot of ways of managing color in your spinning. Some of it is information I've seen before, but it was nice to see it in such a bright, punchy format. There are lots of photos of techniques, so you don't have to guess about what is actually going on when the twist hits the fiber. 

My favorite piece was called Hot Button: Predrafting. Four different spinners gave their take on predrafting. Responses ranged from "I say 'prepare'!" to "Predrafting is the Devil." No matter where you fall on this issue, it is a great read. It's always nice to get more than one complete, detailed answer about the whys and hows of any craft. (For the record, I don't like predrafting, and now Michelle Boyd has given me good reasons to back up my preference.)

Along with all of the spinning information, there are also a few knitting patterns, profiles of fiber artists and reviews of tools. A+! I can't wait to see the next issue.

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