
Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Review of Cascadia (and a chance to win a copy)

Cascadia, according to the introduction, is dedicated to and inspired by “the mythical sounding temperate region bordering the west coast of Canada and the northern United States, and defined by the Cascades mountain range.” Edited by Amanda Milne and Fiona McLean of Knit Social, the book includes 11 patterns from 10 designers.

The ebook version of Cascadia is out. Paper copies are scheduled to become available very soon. I’m really pleased that Cooperative Press sent me a digital copy to look over - and one to share with you! I read mine on a PC using Adobe Reader. Your experience may vary a little if you are using an iPad or some other tablet. (Full disclosure: I am working with Cooperative Press on a book of my own. I am open to reviews of books from other companies, I just haven’t had any other offers yet.)

The closest I’ve been to that particular part of the world is Eugene, Oregon. If it’s at all similar, it is a place of tall trees, gentle rains, and really nice people.

The patterns are cozy and stylish, which is not always an easy combination to pull off. As in Hitch, the contents page takes full advantage of the ebook format. Simply click through the thumbnail to jump to the pattern you want. Hats, sweaters, socks and scarves are on offer.

There’s even a sweater designed for men, Wickaninnish, sized from 38.25” to 54.25” at the chest. A unisex (I think it could be rocked by anyone) sweater is a rare treat in a set of fewer than a dozen designs.

Speaking of treats, it’s harder to get sweeter than a sweater design is really cute on an adult and a little kid. There are two such sets in this collection. I’m kind of freaking out about how adorable Britannia looks. It is sized from newborn through 4XL women’s! It’s also a nice combination of cables and lace, which is hard to pull off, but looks great. Sea Glass, a sleeveless pullover that is sized for Girls 6-8 and three adult sizes, looks like it would be a quick, fun knit.


My favorite would-knit-for-me design is Beacon Hill. It’s knit from the top down, has a lovely stitch pattern, waist shaping and a double-thick shawl collar. Be still my heart. It’s sized from 30” to 50.”

I have a digital copy of Cascadia to give away! Just leave a comment on this post by Midnight (New York time) on Wednesday, October 16. Tell me which pattern is your favorite, or your best memory from that part of the world.

I’ll use a random number generator to pick from the comments and announce the winner here on October 17, 2013. The ebook will be sent either to your email address or your Ravelry member ID, your choice. Good luck!

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  1. Helena Moss11:04 AM

    I love Beacon Hill! In fact I don't think I can wait for the winners to be pulled! Off to buy a copy now! :-)

    Good luck with your book!

    Helena (aka Mum2one on Rav)

  2. I love the Courtenay pattern! Cascadia does sound completely made-up, but now I really want to go!

  3. I love Cascadia and think I'll be doing it once I finish my other two sweaters I have on the go. Too many good things to knit.....

  4. I love the Beacon Hill sweater!

  5. Jen, take it from me that Cascadia exists and it's awesome. I live there! I love this book and can see myself making everything. I'd probably start with Tidal Flats, Raven's Nest and Britannia though. Hope to see samples of everything at Knit City in a few weeks. Thanks for a great giveaway!

  6. Jen, trust me - Cascadia exists and it's awesome. I know because it's where I live. You should definitely come. I love the whole book and while I can see myself knitting everything in it, I'd probably start with Tidal Flats, Raven's Nest and Britannia. Thanks for a great giveaway!

  7. Beautiful patterns. I especially like the shawl collar on Beacon Hill.
    Visited OR and WA for the first time recently. Epic rainfall but beautiful nonetheless.

  8. hooknneedler7:02 PM

    I love Courtenay! Although, I've not been to that area, it is on my must see list of places!

    Great review and thanks for the giveaway! Waiting not-so-patiently for your book!!! :-)

  9. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Beacon Hill is my favourite but there are so many beautiful patterns in this book!
