
Monday, October 08, 2007

Laura, this is for you.

Send me your problem in more detail and I will do a show about it. :) Everyone else can follow along.


  1. Hi Lara,
    I hope your busy life permits you to podcast soon!
    If you want things to do a podcast about, I have a problem I am going to tackle and your help would be awesome. I have made a sweater ( and it does not fit the recipient. It is too small in the shoulders so the neck is pulled down and resembles a scoop neck, not flattering on a guy! So I plan to take it apart and add to the sholders, and front and back sections to hopefully make it fit. I am not sure how to do this or even if it will work! Any help would be great.

  2. Yay!! And another big YAY!!! I'm so excited =D Hurrah for your new bathroom and hurrah for no podfade!

  3. Hope you have some help and end up with the most pleasant bathroom. Looking forward to hearing about it. Yaay us.

  4. Miss your podcast! I have been forced to listen to the old ones again. Which is good, I pick up things I missed the first time. Just to let you know we love your podcasts, you tend to explain things so simply you produce that aha moment for me over and over.
    Take care of yourself.
    Keep knitting.

  5. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Laura, I really miss your podcasts! I hope that things are going good for you. It is almost 2008, hopefully we will all get to hear your sweet voice explaining how to create a wonderful something by using math on our knitting patterns.

  6. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Hey Lara! Just wanted to let you know that I'm still looking forward to your next podcast!! Us listeners are still out here! I love your podcast, and can't wait for more! Hope you're doing well. :)

  7. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you! I'm guessing I'm the one you're referring to! I'll have to find your email again, and give you all the details. I promise to get it to you soon!

