
Thursday, June 14, 2007

Computer Fixed, but still no podcast

Let it be a lesson - back up thy hard drive!

The computer is resurrected. It may still be a bit before my next show.


  1. I meeees youuu! hehe Good luck fixing the stinky troublesome computer Lara! Look forward to your next podcast - THanks for all your hard work! =)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Going.Through.Withdrawl. =)
    Sorry about your computer - can't wait for your next podcast!!

  4. i hope that you are going ok and you were able to fix your computer i really like listering to your podcast.. sadly some of them dont seem to download.i get maybe 10 mins and it stops mid senctence..
    i dont know its probally something im doing wrong..

    Big crafty Hugs
    keep up the good work:D

  5. Anonymous4:45 PM

    I was looking at . . . I closed the page. I wanted to tell you that you give your blog address as
    httpwww and not http://www . It took me a couple of minutes to figure out why I couldn't get to yor blog. :) I DID find it :)
    and I like it.


  6. Hi Lara -

    I, too, am looking forward to your next podcast! I listen all the time - and I think you have such a lovely, soothing speaking voice! Truly!

    Good luck with the computer bugs!! Eagerly awaiting more podcasting.... :)
