
Saturday, May 12, 2007

Some Links

These are some of the booths my sister and I talked about at MD Sheep & Wool - and some we should have talked about.

Don't ask me which of us is talking at any time - my sister or I. I really can't tell most of the time.

Journey Wheel, fine tools for spinners on the go. Jonathan and Sheila Bosworth.

Plum Cottage Crafts, where you can get a circular knitting machine or a restored sock knitting machine. I really want one of these.

Barneswallow Farm doesn't seem to have a website, but they are in Dewittville, NY.

Helen 'Halla' Fleischer, a fantasy spindle artist who my sister knows IRL.

Carolina Handspun is where I bought my silk yarn from Blue Moon Spinnery. It's lovely.

I bought some great sock yarn from Spirit Trail Fiberworks.

And some yarn that came all the way from Texas so I could buy it from Brooks Farm Yarn.

The Bee Folks is where Lisa bought some honey on Sunday.

On Sunday, I also interviewed an innocent bystander about The Red Scarf Project.

Lisa and I seem to argue a lot about what is a sheep and what is a goat. My fave piece of evidence is "look at his face".

KnitWit mentions the Barefoot Spinner.

It also becomes clear that I feel the use of "dude" is now somehow ok, because the Yarn Harlot says it, at least on her blog.

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