
Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Not Math, but Kind of for Knitters

Dear people who don't call me back,

When you don't return my calls, and later act like I never even called you, it makes me INSANE. Just a note to let you know.

-Insane Girl Over Here

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Where you get a glass washboard

There may be other sources, but I know this supports a great local economy in Ohio.

While I'm Babbling Anyway

I really want to quote Franklin:

"I admit that installing an electronic man in my bedroom is slightly pathetic; but I've just about had it with the Genuine Article. They should all come with off-switches."

Some Links

These are some of the booths my sister and I talked about at MD Sheep & Wool - and some we should have talked about.

Don't ask me which of us is talking at any time - my sister or I. I really can't tell most of the time.

Journey Wheel, fine tools for spinners on the go. Jonathan and Sheila Bosworth.

Plum Cottage Crafts, where you can get a circular knitting machine or a restored sock knitting machine. I really want one of these.

Barneswallow Farm doesn't seem to have a website, but they are in Dewittville, NY.

Helen 'Halla' Fleischer, a fantasy spindle artist who my sister knows IRL.

Carolina Handspun is where I bought my silk yarn from Blue Moon Spinnery. It's lovely.

I bought some great sock yarn from Spirit Trail Fiberworks.

And some yarn that came all the way from Texas so I could buy it from Brooks Farm Yarn.

The Bee Folks is where Lisa bought some honey on Sunday.

On Sunday, I also interviewed an innocent bystander about The Red Scarf Project.

Lisa and I seem to argue a lot about what is a sheep and what is a goat. My fave piece of evidence is "look at his face".

KnitWit mentions the Barefoot Spinner.

It also becomes clear that I feel the use of "dude" is now somehow ok, because the Yarn Harlot says it, at least on her blog.

New Show In the Works

To get the audio off of the recorder I use, I have to play it back. So, I'm starting with the recordings of my sister and I touring the sheep area at the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival. I say really intelligent things like, "they have furry faces." I'm sure it will be an informative podcast for you all.


If you listen to this episode, be ready for some repetition, silliness and the KnitWit.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Maryland Sheep & Wool

I am planning on being there on Saturday, and going to the blogger meetup. I'll be the one with the twin sister and the microphone. :)