
Monday, April 09, 2007


Ok, today I might have time to write out a recipe, which I will do instead of podcasting, unless one of the other 9 or so things on my ABSOLUTELY MUST DO TODAY list take longer than five minutes, which is entirely possible.

But I'm still stopping to answer this tag from plainsfeminist.

A- Available or Single

B- Best Friend
I'm lucky enough to have about a dozen really good friends. It means so much to me and it's a big part of why I love living here.

C- Cake or Pie
Pie, but only if my grandmother or sister made it. Otherwise, cake, because I don't like to be dissapointed by other people's pie.

D- Drink of Choice
COffee, although it's not really a choice anymore, to be honest.

E- Essential Item

F- Favorite Color
Red, hands down, even though I have a tendency to match my red shirt if I get hot/winded.

G- Gummi Bears or Worms
Bears. We used to get them as a reward in German class.

H- Hometown
Tulsa, OK

I- Indulgence
Massages twice a month.

J- January or February
February, it's my birth-month!

K- Kids
Three kitties who I treat like little, furry children. They listen about as well, too.

L- Life is incomplete without
Chocolate, good conversation, dancing, and laughter. - I'm just going to copy from Plainsfeminist, because I agree 100%.

M- Marriage Date
No, Thank God.

N- Number of Siblings?

O- Oranges or Apples?

P- Phobias/Fears
Spiders, barking dogs, illness.

Q- Favorite Quote
"The secret of our success is that we never, never give up." - Wilma Mankiller.

R- Reasons to smile
My oldest kitty snores in his sleep.

S- Season
Winter, when it's not too bitter. I love cold fingers in warm woolen mittens.

T- Tag Three People

U- Unknown Fact About Me
In High School, I was a long-distance swimmer. You'd never know it now!

W- Worst Habit
I am a bit of a control freak and I also say the wrong thing...and talk too much.

Y- Your Favorite Foods
Chicken Dumpling Soup, Nana's Rolls and mashed potatoes.

Z- Zodiac


  1. I love the Mankiller quote. And you so do not talk too much or say the wrong thing.

  2. Hey -- there's no V ... and no X ... hmmm. Loved the insights. So I turned the mirror on myself :-)
