
Thursday, March 08, 2007


My last show brought a torrent of comments and I think it's wonderful. I'm glad that other people have seen how knitting or other hand-work brings out courage and problem-solving. Also, letting go of relationships that are bad for us.

I must now confess why I haven't podcasted recently.

You, see, something is keeping me up late at night, I almost don't want to eat because I can't tear myself away....

I am knitting a sweater of my own design and I already love it so much I just can't put it down. It's from the top down with little saddle shoulders in a pattern called Dragon Skin.

It's grey and I love it love it love it.

I hope you will all understand. I will resurface when it is finished. Soon, I hope.


  1. I am jelous that someone else can take your attention from your listeners. But we are listening even to your blogging. Goodluck in romancing the dragon

  2. Anonymous4:57 AM

    Enjoy the sweater -- I hope it's done soon, though, because I miss your podcasts!

  3. Anonymous10:12 PM

    I LOOVE your podcast! If you stop doing it, I'll kill myself! (I'm kidding). I feel as I'm growning up and don't have to stick to a pattern till the last dot (and finish with something cumbersome after that). I'm interested now in knitting from the top down, especially on circular needles, as EZ did. Do something on it, please.
    And I have one more question--when and how did you learn knitting? I feel like we are similar minded because I'm interested as you more in constructing things, not in actual knitting. (the only problem that I need more learning anyway, so I'm knitting from the patterns anyway and accumulating as much knowledge as possible).
    So, I want to hear YOUR history!
