
Monday, February 19, 2007

Episode 27: Another FSS solution, a romantic book and courage in knitting form

This week I talk about how knitting has built my confidence in other arenas, like not zapping myself, Romantic Style and another solution for First Scarf Syndrome. Also, taking good notes to keep track of what you're doing, especially with Elizabeth Zimmermann patterns.

There is a KAL for Romantic Knits here.

The publisher's website had no corrections for this book (although it did for others, which is a good sign).

Download Episode 27


  1. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Thanks so much for the nice comment about my podcast! I was all like, "Holy Crap! A celebrity commented on my show!" Very exciting! I'm honored that an experienced podcaster such as yourself enjoyed it. I'm still working on getting a promo together, and if all goes well it will be done tonight or tomorrow. Check the website again!

    Oh, and while I'm at it, I was wondering if you know of any good resources for using short row shaping to make more room in the front of a sweater? I'm working on a cardigan and I think it's going to need a little more chest room to be comfortable.

    Thanks again so much!

  2. Hey Math4knittres~~

    My name is Charles Lee. My knitting blog is

    I always listening your PodCast...i always injoyed so much and also youguys are awesome!

    I want ask youguys favor!
    Can youguys annouce on your podcast this?

    Iam selling my handmade stitch marker to help my friend Impossible Princess "AID LifeCycle" Krystfer is doing!! You can visit my blog more info:
    I know youguys annouce this before!
    He need to rise $1000 more to ride California from San Francisco to Los Angleas!

    Thank you so much.

    your fan and listener.....


  3. Hi Lara: Hooray for Courage and knitting! I found this episode SO touching. Although I'm a some-what of a "handygirl", I have a healthy respect for power tools around the home. I also am a professional seamstress and love to problem solve all the whacky costume repairs I get on a daily basis.
    My knitting has picked up again right around the same time my husband has again "reminded me" that he still wants to split up. I'm totally dragging my feet on this, and it's not even over him, but our two children. I've taken refuge into Sockland wondering how I can do this overwhelming task of hiring a lawyer, dividing the household, finding new digs,[if I can't stay in the house], and continuing to coordinate kids and schedules with even less contact than I have with him right now. Baby Steps Lara. I think it's the answer you've hit upon. Thank you for reminding me of this and having the courage to try....Hugs! Christine - Las Vegas

  4. Anonymous5:36 AM

    Hi Lara,

    A long-time listener here. I really enjoyed this podcast, especially your thoughts about knitting as a first step on the road of independence.

    Keep up the good work, girl!

  5. Lara- really liked this episode. Reminded my of when I bought my house, by myself. The joys of home ownership and being brave enough to try something new and succeed! I've painted, ceramic tiled, laminate floored and landscaped at my house so far, hope to build a deck this summer. Good luck with your projects.

  6. Hi Lara - love love love your podcast. Your delivery is perfect and absolutely a joy to listen to. Okay, now I'm gushing. Anyway - your stories about taking care of things on your own was very inspiring and I've found the same idea applies to me. Thanks for sharing and keep up your great podcasts. I always learn so much.

  7. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Thank you for your discussion of how knitting has given you courage. I am very scared of any projects that involve techniques I haven't done yet, but I'm slowly trying them out, one by one. Yesterday I blocked for the first time! I would love to hear a discussion of blocking and other finishing techniques on your podcast sometime.

  8. Lara, your sister is absolutely wrong. bet you love hearing those words, huh? I had the first scarf syndrome in crochet for years until I started counting every stitch. I never had that problem in knitting. And, I recently taught one of my girlfriends to crochet and she has the syndrome as well.

    loving your show as always. wishing you the best.
