
Monday, February 19, 2007

Episode 27: Another FSS solution, a romantic book and courage in knitting form

This week I talk about how knitting has built my confidence in other arenas, like not zapping myself, Romantic Style and another solution for First Scarf Syndrome. Also, taking good notes to keep track of what you're doing, especially with Elizabeth Zimmermann patterns.

There is a KAL for Romantic Knits here.

The publisher's website had no corrections for this book (although it did for others, which is a good sign).

Download Episode 27

Friday, February 16, 2007


My first "real" lace project, Icarus, is blocking on my guest bed. Boy that sucker is big and pretty. I'll hopefully take pictures tomorrow or Sunday.

On the next show, I plan to talk about a different solution to the First Scarf Syndrome, a Romantic book, and keeping track of your EZ shoulder shaping.

Saturday, February 10, 2007


I have fixed the problem. Thank you for letting me know that you couldn't download, Barbro.

Episode 26: Magknits, Yarn Subs and First Scarf Syndrome

This week I talk about why I don't do longer shows anymore (sort 0f), the new MagKnits, how Knitters Review can help you choose substitute yarns, and First Scarf Syndrome (and how to deal with it).

Just in case you couldn't follow my little ditty about how I figure when I need to decrease, here is a graphical representation.

To decrease every fourth row three times, I write out
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12

I cross off the rows as I go and know that, at the end of each line of writing, that is the row that I decrease.

Download Episode 26