
Saturday, September 09, 2006

Episode 18: 2x2 Ribbed Hat

This week is a little mumbly, bumbly piece about a hat I designed. Also, little reminder. The end of the year is nigh. Knitting-wise. So, be mindful.

These are my notes from making the hat. Allow me to point out the scratches out and re-working.

The outside of the hat, as worked.

The inside, as worked, which I will use as the outside, although the recipient can do what she likes.

Just for fun, my version of the Anticraft's Bad Juju, which I worked in Peace Fleece, in a worsted-weight Ukrainian Red. I think it's spooky and great.

Download Episode 18


  1. yeah-you are back!

    how was/is your thesis?
    you were missed

  2. I'm presenting it Oct. 5. Wish me luck!

  3. Good luck!

    And in your "spare" time, a question: I was just listening to one of your early episodes when you were talking about short rows, and the idea of short row toes on toe-up socks. Do you know if there is information on that somewhere online, by you or not? I need to see something on it; I think I mostly got it from your description, but need the visual.

    BTW, this was a great idea for a sub-genre of knitting podcast. You make knitting math less intimidating.

    Here's some more good-thesis-presentation vibes.

  4. *hides head in shame* My search bar was searching ebay and not Google. Not surprisingly, ebay had nothing about short row toes. Google does, however, which I now know.

    You get extra good luck for reading silly questions posed on your blog.

  5. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Welcome back!

  6. Thanks.
    I'm going to try to knock out a show on Thursday about a 3x3 ribbed hat that I'm thrilled about. Otherwise, it'll have to be week after next, since I'm going to a conference. But I think I may have time, and I don't want to leave you guys in the lurch.

  7. I spoke too soon. (sigh) I'll just have to try to make one for you all on Monday.
