
Sunday, August 06, 2006

Unrelated but important

Do any of you live in Minneapolis? I have a proposal for you.

There is a show called Eastenders that airs on the Twin Cities Public Television network on Fridays from 9 to midnight. It went off the air of BBC America some time ago and I have not been able to watch it since. If anyone's public TV station carries it and they are willing to tape and send it to me, I will reply with whichever yarn you like from my local. So far, I have only found it listed in Minneapolis, but it may be elsewhere without my knowledge. (There are only so many PBS stations one can rabidly find and search.) If you don't want yarn, name your price. I'm begging you. I will even send tapes back and forth so that you don't have to go to the store.

I really miss that show.

Speaking of shows, I will do one on Monday where I will talk about my trip to Minneapolis and the begining of a sequence of patterns and discussions based on Fibonacci. I think a little structure will help keep me on track.


  1. i also miss eastenders
    i will be thrilled to co-pay for episodes you rec
    i lived in london and i just miss
    everyone on albert square

  2. I live in Minneapolis (ok, really St. Paul now), but we haven't been able to get our old VCR to work with our cable box since I moved in 2+ years ago. If online viewing doesn't work out, email me ( and I'll make another attempt to get the wires going the right way....

  3. Turns out, my sister gets it in DC! Hooray!
    AuntyH, would you help profbookwurmknits get her fix?
