
Monday, July 10, 2006

Show 13: Counting

If you cannot read your knitting, you must count rows/rounds. This week I talk about the different memory helpers I have used over the years and what show ideas I have in the works.

Download Episode 13


  1. great to have you back
    you were missed
    i love the index card idea
    i have used it often and it is such a time saver

  2. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Nice to have you back. I concur that the white background makes it much easier to read your blog. Looking forward to future episodes. Keep up the good work!

  3. Your podcast is just great and has given me greater confidence to deal with the math of knitting. It's one of my very favorites and I've actually saved a couple for future reference. Thanks for all the work you do -- I really look forward to your casts.

    Just thought I'd let you know that the "i" in "Miter / Mitre" is pronounced as in "pie" or "by". A tricky one. Rather than just point out a mistake, I thought you might enjoy learning more about the word. I learned something, too -- never knew it came from Hebrew! See below for a link to
    n 1: joint that forms a corner; usually both sides are bevelled at a 45-degree angle to form a 90-degree corner [syn: miter joint, mitre joint, miter] 2: the surface of a beveled end of a piece where a miter joint is made; "he covered the miter with glue before making the joint" [syn: miter] 3: a liturgical headdress worn by bishops on formal occasions [syn: miter]
    Source: WordNet ® 2.0, © 2003 Princeton University

    (Heb. mitsnepheth), something rolled round the head; the turban or head-dress of the high priest (Ex. 28:4, 37, 39; 29:6, etc.). In the Authorized Version of Ezek. 21:26, this Hebrew word is rendered diadem," but in the Revised Version,
    "mitre." It was a twisted band of fine linen, 8 yards in length, coiled into the form of a cap, and worn on official occasions (Lev. 8:9; 16:4; Zech. 3:5). On the front of it was a golden plate with the inscription, "Holiness to the Lord." The mitsnepheth differed from the mitre or head-dress (migba'ah) of the common priest. (See BONNET.)
    Source: Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary

  4. Thanks for the tip. I had my suspicions that it might be an "I" sound, but I wasn't sure. Looks like you did a lot of research!

  5. i love your show! i've learned so much in 13 episodes - you are making a better knitter out of me!

    to keep track of my knitting, i keep a small 2" x 3" notebook in my knitting bag with me at all times. when i knit a row, i make a notch. when i dec or inc, i write 1 dec(inc). I also make sections for front/back/sleeves, etc.

    When working on multiple projects at once, I just leave a few pages between each. It keeps me organized and everything is in one place. I design alot of my own sweaters, so it's a big help when the measurements aren't quite working out right or I forget what I did. I just go back and count the rows or see what in the world I did!

  6. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Honestly, I am finding that the easiest way to keep track of rows between increases or cable crosses or whatever is to hook a bunch of locking stitch markers together in a chain with one end having a marker that is somehow different--different color or style. Clover markers are good for this, as are simple jewelery jump rings plus one stitch marker. This chain of stitch markers is slipped over my needle either at the start of a round in circular or a couple of stitches in when knitting back and forth. The contrasting marker signifies the first row in the set. The increase, decrease, cable cross, whatever, happens on the contrast color. When I next come across the marker, I slip it to the right needle, but I put the next marker down in the chain on the needle (moving away from the contrasting color). I keep going until I reach the end. When I have to start the chain over with the contrasting marker, I know I have to do my increase, decrease, cable cross....

  7. Lara, nice show. I had no idea folks used such a variety of ways to keep track. I also realized from the show and the comments how personalized each knitter makes this. I was amused by the glass of water shifting between the right and the left. :)

    I just have a bunch of plain white rings for stitch-marking. I wish however that I had some numbered stitch markers or those in which I can slip a small little paper to write what I please. If I need to really know one marking to be different than another, I just make my own markers with the different colors of scrap yarn in my collection.

    To count however, I find the most versatile way is to keep a pencil and paper and do some primitive stick-counting at the end of each row/round. So, during the 4th row/round, I'll have |||| on the paper and the 5th one will strike these 4 lines with a diagonal in a forward-slash. Either this, or I slightly modify this technique while knitting 2 socks simultaneously on circs. Either which way, it's always paper and pencil for me.

  8. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Lara, Sorry for the late response-just found your website.

    It helps me to use a cribbage board for counting. I use different colored sticks to indicate increase or decrease and just move them in the holes with the correct number. I'm not sure if your cats will mess with this, but perhaps it will help others.

    Keep up the good work!

  9. I like the idea of the water. I, too, save candies only for treats.
    I also use 3x5 cards. For lace I have actually photocopied and enlarged the pattern, glued each row to a card, numbered, hole punched and collected them on a ring. This works well for long trips because lace yarn takes so little space and I can take circular wooden needles that are the least suspicious to airport security.

  10. Great tips everyone. I like the cribbage board idea a lot, although I'm certain my little pegs would be stolen by kitties.

  11. Anonymous7:12 AM

    This only works for keeping track of where one is in a chart, but my chief knitting collaborator puts a paperclip on the edge of the paper next to the row she's on and moves the paperclip up at the end of each row. I like this a lot, and modified it to have a paperclip on either side of the row so it's easier to read all the way across.
