
Sunday, May 28, 2006

Yes, THE Meg Swansen

This week I break the mold of previous shows and do an interview with Meg Swansen of Schoolhouse Press. Her mother, Elizabeth Zimmermann, was an inventive, charming and math-inclined knitter who created EPS, the Elizabeth Percentage System. You use EPS to design a custom sweater using your gauge and the desired chest size to reach a key (K) number. It turns out that Meg is every bit as inventive, charming and math-inclined as her mother.

Download Episode 8


  1. ideas I came to think of:
    1.socks. wendyknits has a math percent thingy for knitting socks, yarn harlot has something similar. Lots of people use them, interview them about it? or talk about socks in general, on a math basis. to proofreaders of knitting patterns. how do they make shure it adds up.

    3.converting patterns to a different gauge, a how to.

    4. needle sizing, US vs mm and more in detail about why it's like that. It would be great, and if you could clear it up for us. Like why an US size isn't always consistent, and that US have sizes mm don't and vica versa.

    hm, that's it. I love the science and math part of knitting as presented by you, it's fun :D

  2. loved the interview
    amazing to hear meg swanson

    keep giving us math
    and i second the suggestions about socks, gauge, proofing...
    thank you for another informative show

  3. Hi Lara, I started listening in to your podcasts last week and quite liked your focus on the number-crunching. I'm all for clever design using mathematical computation. The accuracy achieved at the end of the project makes it very fulfilling. I hope you get enough subjects for your podcast to go on and on!

    Some subjects you can explore:
    - mitering. Also mitering twice to arrive at a rectangle without having a pucker at the point where the 45 degrees line meets the 135 degrees line. Maybe some project ideas with this.
    - polygons
    - entrelac
    - mathematically modify stitch patterns to either make them flat or to give dome-shaping . These would be stitch patterns that have 360 degree symmetry like polygons, perhaps.

  4. Anonymous10:12 AM

    What about math for dying... Walk us through the math to make a self striping yarn of two three and four colous(or even more) or how to make that self striping yarn we have knit up so that the stripes don't overlap and create that zigzag line

    Also skirts!!! How to make full skirt or aline skirt or fitted skirts... How to put a pleat into knitting.... How to adapt vintage patterns to modern sizes...

    Or how about knitting on the bias and all the math that involves...

    Brooklynne(who isn't completely caught up completely but had to skip ahead to this episode)

    P.s. Who are you using for webhost? May I suggest 20 bucks a month they set up EVERYTHING
