
Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Review: SEW...The Garment-Making Book of Knowledge

My sister introduced me to Barbara Emodi's blog a little while ago. I love it! It's one of my favorite sewing blogs.

When I heard she was writing a book, SEW The Garment-Making Book of Knowledge: Real-Life Lessons from a Serial Sewist, I was super excited! Disclosure: the publisher sent me a PDF of the book, but all opinions are mine!

I love Barbara's book! I even read it on the bus - which is saying a lot, since reading on the bus makes me rather motion sick. It's full of tips and tricks. Barbara's writing style is relaxed and happy. She's informative without being preachy.

One of the features that I love in the book is her mini lessons. One's about v-style necklines, and I decided to try it, since I've had a few neckline fails, lately.

I took an old tee and cut away the neck into a v-neck shape. I then cut a binding strip 1 and 3/8-inches wide and the full length of the fabric.

I ended up marking the exact location of the bottom of the v with wash-away marker. Barbara doesn't say to do this, but I felt I really needed it to hit the mark.

Is it perfect? No. Is it better than what I've done, lately? YES! I think I just need to practice more. Also, maybe a little glue basting is in order, for me, until I've tried it more than once.