
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Things I've Been Doing @ Work Lately

Work has been crazy, to say the least. So, no podcast recently. But, soon, I hope.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

New Episodes problem

Some people have told me (and not told me, I suppose) that they are having trouble with my feed in iTunes.

I think we have found a solution.

Just unsubscribing and re-subscribing doesn't seem to work.

"What worked in the end was actually deleting the feeds in iTunes and then subscribing with the link you provided, easy and quick."
-M. Wergeland of Matthew's Thread Work

The link is:

I hope it works. Let me know. The problem on my end is, no matter how many computers I try, I can't get the problem to happen to me. It's possible this is because I am working with machines that are starting from scratch and something is going on with the old feed. Or maybe the other old feed. Who knows?

I am cooking up a new show. I'm just waiting for my work schedule to cool down a bit. Things have been strange and busy around here, to say the least.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Episode 37: Gauge Swatches and Experiments

Elizabeth Zimmerman called it "unventing", I call it "experimenting". I think she didn't like the image of the white lab coat, but I always loved knitting in my white lab coat. You know, back when I was a scientist, getting chalk dust on my knitting.

On this week's show, I answer questions from two Ravelry users who have messaged me. I really appreciate their questions, because otherwise I would just blather on about my sweaters and my cats. That's all well and good, but sometimes I have to talk about other things.

I didn't do a podcast last week because I lost my voice. Nearly a 100% loss. This has never happened to me before. I think it was a combination of teaching at a conference/workshop for three days, then talking with an old friend for about 6 hours straight. During hour 5, I was already feeling a bit croaky. By that night, I was down for the count, voice-wise. It has taken a while to recover and my spring allergies are still keeping me a little rough.

The rerun this week is episode 28. We are almost through them all. I considered running Episode 30 this week to go with the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival, but I thought that would confuse things. The original notes for that show are here.

Download Episode 37.