Thursday, August 09, 2007


One of my kitties, who liked to purr very loudly and lick my nose while I was sleeping, passed away last week. The other two are fine. Just a reminder to hug your little ones every day.


Pensguys said...

I'm so sorry!!!!!! We had to put one of ours asleep a few weeks ago and one last year. It breaks my heart.

test said...


Rina said...

I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you are alright. I'll hug my kitties too, and be grateful that they're my friends.

Emma said...

So sorry, Lara!

dobarah said...

You poor kid. Remember the cuddles and the purrs, and hug those other sweeties.

Anonymous said...

God speed Mork

LoriAngela said...

The furry, purring part of our hearts is sad for you. How lucky to have had such a dear companion.

Cam-ee said...

I'm sorry! I don't know what I'd do without mine!

JustApril said...

Sorry about your kitty! =(

Anonymous said...

Sincere sympathy! God bless!

noricum said...
